The Rise of the Corporate State
It’s No Longer Subtle
“1.) Propaganda creates a strong integration of the group, and at the same time activates the preoccupations of that group.”
Jacques Ellul~Propaganda—French, 1962, English, 1965 [see more in text]
“We citizens are now “the enemy” of the state. Get*vaccinated* or face the wrath of unemployment, social pariahism, loss of status, loss of purpose even. The state has spoken. Good Ol’ Dr. Facui acts as the state’s dictator from his high command post issuing his pronouncements to submit or face severe consequences. It’s even worse than that. As the Borg stated in Star Trek, “resistance is futile”. It’s still worse yet. There may actually be nano-technology in the *vaccines*[1] that we knowingly submit to. And now even children as young as two are being required to be submitted to branding/no, the ’jab’, as ‘they’ like to say. I never thought I’d live to see it here, but here it is.”
J Allen—18th, February, 2022
As I hear the war drums pounding at an almost deafening level all I can seem to focus on is our almost total loss of civil freedoms that I once enjoyed in my youthful days. Oh, it’s so subtle too. It’s like the oozing, creeping slime in the wee corner of the room, but while asleep, it expands exponentially and you awaken to a nightmare of immense proportions. The slime has now taken over everything. That’s the way I feel about things today. Since the beginning of this century the creeping menace has turned dark and now wants to devour our remaining freedoms with increasing voraciousness to submit or lose practically everything we once held dear to our hearts. We go to bed dreaming of peace & tranquility and when our awareness starts stirring in the morning we utter ear splitting screams, the nightmare is for reals. And like our disastrous climate, it’s irreversible.
I’m a bit surprised that I can’t quite shake this uncanny feeling I have these days. As the hysteria of the c-virus reached a fever pitch now almost two years ago we are still mired with reports of untold deaths and that the magical *vaccines* will save the day. It’s now been over a year since the *vaccines* were introduced and infection rates are still high. More variants are sure to come in a revolving door policy that will never end. Echos of Nietzsche, perhaps?
Now enter the propaganda sphere. Here is where Mr Ellul(alluded to above) shines through. We are now separated into to distinct groups. We are either ‘with’ the program, in more ways than one, by the way, or we are the pariahs of society, to be stoned and silenced in any way possible, to keep our subversiveness against the state and its dictates silenced. We can’t upset the establishment’s apple cart, so to speak. I feel the stirrings of rebelliousness in my veins. Medium tried to silence me and I ended up here in the refugee camp of the subversives, unfit for polite, consumerist, society; Substack. Let our voices be heard.
The in group, those that submitted to the ‘jab’, are now in a separate club and it comes with many privileges, like going to movies or having a meal out in public. One may still be required to have a *vaccine* passport depending on locale and local rules. The New Mexico mask mandates were very recently lifted, for instance. Or we may start seeing spiffy new technological devices by the doors of establishments stealthily placed when no one was watching. [See below for more.]
For further review see what’s going on in Canada with the trucker’s protests against *vaccine* mandates. Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has gone even further toward authoritarianism. Hence the truckers fighting back the only way they know, with their trucks. I saw reports of tow trucks being assembled for removal of trucks blocking a major thoroughfare. I would like to see the same here in America. What then? I have enough food to last me about a month. Enough cat food for three. “Be prepared”, as the Boy Scouts used to say. Our nations depend upon the trucking industry and fossil fuels to run it.
This is a more disturbing fact of the new totalitarian regime. That the *vaccines* have nano-technology within its medium of mRNA altering material purported to give immunity to the c-virus. The graphene[1] oxide in Pfizer’s shots when injected and exposed to the body’s own heat—remember the *vaccines* are shipped at very cold temperatures—they self-assemble and offer unique tracking signals where specific devices can determine one’s location, for example. And I’m guessing there are more sinister ways this will be used by our rulers in the near future. We, the unvaccinated, are deemed subversive and may, in time, be dealt the harshest penalties yet known. The yellow stars of yore are now invisible to all but the most savvy technologist.
I’m currently watching “The Handmaid’s Tale”, on Hulu. It’s a stark view of what can easily happen if we let it. It got so stark last night that I changed to something milder, Slasher, I believe, and wanted to write about what’s going on here under our distracted noses every day. I enjoy the distractions myself otherwise I’d be eating my pistol. Stark indeed.
The Fight
Ah, the gist. How do we lowly citizens fight back? How do we reclaim what was once ours, our civil freedoms? Maybe it’s just too late. Like our ecological disaster we’re so immersed in we can’t see a way out because there just isn’t. It’s like punching at marshmallows, there’s just empty space. Or, it’s like the Canadian truckers, they do have to power to halt commerce, at least until the RPG’s are called upon to render the trucks rusting relics, out of the way, and out of service for good. We’ll soon see what the Canadian government does.
Do we just have to submit? The ones still in the workforce subject to the totalitarian demands of the job just to stay employed, just submit and bend over?; accepting anything now offered at a lower wage? Or give up altogether and become one of the many homeless? I was fired from a good job back in ‘97 because I couldn’t quite get with all the totalitarian(bullshit) demands on what was coursing through my bloodstream, I failed a UA and was let go. My three strikes had been used up. Most folks don’t even realize almost all employment is totalitarian. They own your ass when you’re on the clock, or, if salaried, 24/7. One main reason I never got a salaried position, I didn’t want to be completely owned.
As of now the military industrial complex, the healthcare industrial complex, including the insurance giants, along with big energy and banking, they own us all. We are subjects in every meaning of the word. War and healthcare are huge business. They don’t want us fit and well. They want us in debt and unhealthy, because that’s what makes capital accumulate in the ruling classes’ accounts; mostly offshore for tax dodging purposes. Can we the lowly fight back? Not really, they have us all in a pickle. I’m stashing some cash in a newly acquired safe. Away from the government’s steely reach. It’s not much because I’m poor. I’ll probably sell a rifle because I can no long go to a range to shoot it. [No car.] I’ll pop the cash in my safe.
I guess I’ve just pointed out the obvious. We are being squeezed in as many ways as possible. We are told to get a stamp of totalitarian approval—the *vaccine*. We are told to borrow to increase our standard of living turning us into lifetime wage slaves. Till death do us part, and after. Maybe I’m tired of the daily struggle to keep my wits and stay afloat with several raging crises all at once. The c-virus, the ecological collapse, the pending war no one wants, the raging inflation. Mine’s at about 20% this new year! It always affects the poor the most and there are many far poorer than myself.
I’ll now turn it to the youths to pick up the fight. Stop playing video games and assess what you all want out of your life. The ball is in your court now, the boomers screwed the pooch, as they say. Perhaps it’s inevitable, our eventual extinction, that is. I’ll never know. It would be nice to have a wee glimpse into a time tunnel, or wayback machine—whatever is at hand—and see what’s ahead at the turn of this century’s end, 2100. But alas I’m just dreaming of what could be. I’m still allowed to think in any subversive way I deem fit.
Lastly, be kind to one another. There was a madman here in Albuquerque the other day, Sunday, that stabbed 11 in a rampage up Central Avenue, old Route US 66. One doesn’t need a gun to inflict massive mayhem on innocent people. They did catch him, by the way. Harsh times licit these types of anti-social behavior. Our society has grown ever more toxic. We have to be nice to everybody to stay civilized. Unruly times are ahead, let’s work together to postpone the inevitable as mach as possible. Stay safe now and always.
Peace, The Ol’ Hippy
Images~~ #1, Hakan Nural~~Unsplash; #2, Kristina V~~Unsplash
Barbed wire~~Pixabay
*[1] Pfizer *Vaccine*:
For further reading see: